A consummate professional and referred to as “Johnny on the spot,” Carey Neal’s quick thinking and calm demeanor are reassuring for both clients and coworkers during emergency responses. Since joining the team nearly a year and a half ago as a senior consultant, he has already proven himself a vital member of the CTEH team. Learn more about our employee of the month below:

What do your day-to-day responsibilities entail?

Each day, I assist clients with their environmental consulting needs, manage projects and ensure we are always prepared to deploy for an emergency response.

What initially brought you to CTEH? 

CTEH has an excellent reputation in the industry. I jumped at the opportunity to work for a great company known for working well together and for truly appreciating all of its employees. 

What’s your favorite part of working here? 

I thoroughly enjoy my coworkers; everyone at CTEH is a team player, which makes the work environment more enjoyable.

What sets CTEH apart? 

CTEH’s ability to adapt to changing situations, get resources to a project in a timely manner, and our employees’ dedicated work ethic – all of this and more leads to CTEH’s stellar reputation! 

Thank you, Carey, for setting the bar high in your first year with CTEH!