Center for Toxicology & Environmental Health, LLC (CTEH®) celebrates a 365-day safety goal, established on November 19, 2012 for zero OHSA recordable incidents. Patrick Nolan, CTEH®Corporate Safety Officer set the bar high by tracking OSHA recordable injuries, rather than lost time. The goal was to have zero recordable injuries within an allotted time while driving corporate culture of transparency.
First Goal: 180 days – Complete
Second Goal: 365 days – Complete
Third Goal: 1.5 years – deadline May 20, 2014
CTEH® employees are very proud of reaching these two milestones. The safety awareness has been very successful within employees professional and personal lives. Regarding this great accomplishment, Dr. Phil Goad, Partner Toxicologist said, “Personally, working in these types of environments with companions who understand and value safety has made me more aware of safety in my “normal” life; how I drive, how I do simple things like using a ladder, walking around the office with a hot cup of coffee, how I view the environment of my home for things that can hurt my family and me, and so on.”