Through our Toxicology Emergency Response Program (TERP), our experts are available 24 hours, 7 days a week, 365 days a year to mobilize to incident sites both nationally and internationally. To help coordinate our resources and staff, we rely on experienced team members like TERP Project Manager Jeremy Gueringer. Learn more about Jeremy and his work below:

What does a typical day at CTEH look like for you?
There’s no typical day at CTEH. As a TERP Project Manager, I have the opportunity to fulfill many roles. Most often, I serve as a mentor to our environmental scientists. Both in the office and field, I provide guidance on industrial hygiene instrumentation and methods to help my team better serve our clients. In addition to these duties, I regularly deploy to incident sites across North America. Whether I’ve dealt with a chemical one time or 50 times, I’m always focused on learning new skills to bring additional value to CTEH and its clients.

On occasion, you may be responsible for managing a team of more than 50 on large-scale responses. What’s the key to success?
During my nearly 10 years with CTEH, I’ve been involved with numerous multi-state responses, and lately an increasing number of mercury-related incidents. I strongly believe the key to any successful remediation is having the right people in place. When managing multiple locations, you need to be confident that each of your employees has the skills and knowledge needed to be a strong leader. When we’re in the office, I talk with them about instrumentation and potential scenarios so they are empowered and equipped for success when challenges arise.

You are known at CTEH for your experience with mercury. Can you share more about this?
Unlike other chemicals, mercury is a liquid at room temperature. It can break down into microscopic particles, which may find its way behind baseboards, under plastic laminate; and in carpets, grout, clothing, shoes and so forth. This can be particularly troublesome given that mercury is odorless and has no irritating warning properties. That’s why we use specialized instrumentation and extremely stringent protocols for characterization and remediation. Because of our vast research and field experience, CTEH is now well known as valued asset in mercury spill remediation. In 2019 alone, I’ve served on eight mercury-related projects in the U.S.

In addition to your managerial role, you conduct off-site technical training. What does this entail?
As a long-time employee at CTEH, I’ve been fortunate to do a little bit of everything—from tabletop exercises to full-scale emergency response scenarios. Developing a deep knowledge base and skill set in multiple service areas is an exceptional perk that comes with CTEH’s Toxicology Emergency Response Program. This has absolutely benefitted me as a trainer.

You are involved in multiple extracurricular activities—from music to fitness. Tell us more.
I received my bachelor’s degree in music education from the University of Central Arkansas. Over the years, I’ve performed gigs with artists all over the country, including at the Christian Music Awards. I also hold over 30 personal training and nutrition certifications. As a strength and conditioning coach, I’ve helped more than 1,000 people meet and exceed their weight loss goals. Whether it’s music or exercise, when I do anything, I do it 150%. This motivation and commitment helps me in all aspects of my life.

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