To help enhance the Gulf region’s ability to detect, prevent and respond to disasters, the Coastal Emergency Management Association (CBEMA) and Nueces County this week is hosting the 6thAnnual Coastal Bend Hurricane Conference in Robstown, Texas. During the conference, Commander (Ret.) Joe Leonard of CTEH’s Global Preparedness and Crisis Management team of Houston will share his long-time industry knowledge. Check out a preview of his two presentations below:

It’s All About Relationships: In today’s all-threat and all-hazards environment, it’s more important than ever to build and sustain successful interagency relationships. This will help ensure a more effective response if, or when, incidents occur and help facilitate long-term interoperability amongst stakeholders. Throughout his presentation, Leonard will outline ways for businesses and organizations to accomplish this goal.

Making the Most Out of Your Exercises in an Austere Budget Environment: In his breakout session on planning and mitigation, Leonard will explain how exercises are the principal way to validate organization’s plans and gauge its readiness or capabilities. He will then walk through four steps to make exercise programs easier and more affordable to execute, including 1) conducting combined interagency exercises 2) integrating efforts into a long-term master training and exercise program at a regional level 3) standardizing common exercise dynamics (i.e., logistics) and 4) avoiding common exercise pitfalls (i.e., covering too many topics).

Need help developing and implementing planning exercises? Contact CTEH’s Global Preparedness and Crisis Management team at