Often called a fearless leader by his colleagues, Adam McClure, Project Coordinator, is regularly the first in and the last to leave the office each day. Since COVID-19, he has helped oversee off-site production support while “fixing problems and putting out fires” to help ensure responses run as smoothly as possible.

Among his many feats during the global coronavirus pandemic, Adam has successfully managed more than 20 different projects—across multiple countries and continents—and thousands of lab reports on a weekly basis. All the while, he has kept morale high and, as his coworkers noted, “been the glue to hold everyone together” as the team deals with a “large, stressful, and ever-changing workload.”

Thank you, Adam, for your continued guidance, expertise, and positivity in helping your fellow employees and our partners navigate COVID-19. Congratulations on being named September’s Employee of the Month!