We’re proud to highlight IT Project Manager Josh Blansett as our March employee of the month. In his nomination, Josh was praised for being receptive to team needs and developing and improving tools that helped provide a major client with the exact solutions they needed.

What does a typical day at CTEH look like to you?

I’m either in the field working to find solutions for both clients and colleagues or at the annex working with my team to build new apps and tools to help make CTEH an industry leader in data management and technology. Lately it’s been all about creating tools to help manage the rapidly changing response to the COVID-19 pandemic.

What brought you to CTEH?

In 2010, I had been out of school for about two years, and like most people during that time, I wasn’t having much luck finding employment in the career path I had envisioned at the time (chemical engineering) due to the economic recession. I heard from a friend of a friend that there was a company called CTEH that was hiring. I first worked here as a contract employee, then took a full-time job as an Environmental Scientist. I spent close to two years as an Environmental Scientist before finding my true passion with the technology group performing data management and innovating technology solutions in 2013.

What do you enjoy most about working at CTEH?

I first and foremost enjoy the people. Every day I learn something new from one of my colleagues. We enjoy the rare privilege of working with not only some of the most talented individuals in the industry but some of the most passionate.

Do you have a favorite CTEH memory?

It’s always a challenge to explain to friends and family when they ask about my job, because CTEH is involved in so many different areas. In 2018, CTEH was managing recovery efforts after a major hurricane. I ran into a friend I hadn’t spoken with in some time who asked what I was working on. When I explained our role, my friend just laughed. He couldn’t believe how much responsibility our little company had in the recovery effort. CTEH has its hands in a lot of pots around the country and around the world, and I’ve always found it extraordinary that this humble group of people can do things that some of our larger competitors would never dream of attempting.

What sets CTEH apart from other companies?

For our clients and the communities we serve, I’ve always been impressed with how dedicated CTEH remains to getting people through incredibly challenging obstacles. Personally, I’ve seen the sacrifices my colleagues have made to help these communities: incredibly long days, extended periods of time away from friends and family, but always striving to learn and to innovate in some of the most adverse of conditions.