It can happen in an instant. A driver looks down to change the radio station and hits the car in front of him. A car swerves to avoid an object in the road and crashes into an embankment.  Just recently, Robert Wilkinson—an environmental project manager at CTEH®—was reminded that vehicle accidents can happen anytime and anywhere.

In April, Robert was traveling on an interstate in Alabama when he saw a vehicle pulling a travel trailer began to fish tail. A few seconds later, the vehicle jackknifed, rolling multiple times before eventually landing upside down in a ditch. Robert didn’t miss a beat. He immediately pulled over and called 9-1-1. He quickly evaluated the situation and determined that one adult and two children had been ejected from the vehicle. He helped remove the van door to pull out the remaining passengers and then gave first aid to the child and adult who had been ejected from the car. Robert remained with the family until the fire department, emergency medical services and state troopers secured the scene and confirmed that everyone was safe.

For these courageous actions and for going above and beyond the call of duty, CTEH® was proud to present Robert with the first-ever CTEH® Safety Coin. His selflessness will continue to serve as an example for the entire CTEH® team. Thank you, Robert. Keep up the good work.