CTEH just wrapped up another successful Clean Pacific Conference & Exhibition! Check out a quick recap of our presentations below:

Community Air Quality Data During Accidental Release and Combustion of Crude Oil: Dr. Paul Nony, CTEH’s senior toxicologist, highlighted the importance of the timely collection of air monitoring data for making decisions at spill sites about response activities and the protection of public health. Nony shared strategies for assessing air quality in communities in close proximity to accidental crude oil releases involving fire; field observations of smoke behavior during derailments; and analysis of air quality data collected during the first 72 hours of crude oil derailments in various geographic regions.

Meeting the Challenges of Maintaining Your Incident Management Team’s Skills and Capabilities: Hank Garcia, CTEH senior consultant, reiterated companies’ need for planning-training-exercise-response cycles in today’s time-and cost-constrained environment. Garcia offered tips for maintaining incident management teams’ (IMT) skills after the initial trainings and shortening IMT’s re-learning curve during exercises and actual responses.

Crude-by-Rail Incident Management: CTEH partner and principal consultant Cory Davis served as a panelist during the “Crude-by-Rail Incident Management” session, which focused on the critical elements of rail incident management.

Response Data Management: Brady Davis, CTEH’s director of technology, explained how interactive dashboards with real-time data can enhance problem solving and help answer unanticipated questions during responses. Davis shared some of the methodologies and tools teams can use to deploy and maintain these dashboards in the future.

Want to find out more about our presentations at the Clean Pacific Conference and Exhibition? Visitcleanpacific.org or use #CP2016 on Twitter.