After months of mandatory coronavirus-related closures, the U.S. is beginning its slow transition back to normal operations. But that doesn’t mean stringent COVID-19 health and safety precautions are no longer needed. In fact, scientific experts now predict that as the country reopens there will be a significant rise in cases.

With CTEH’s innovative contact tracing system, companies and organizations can more efficiently and effectively track, monitor, and follow up with potentially exposed individuals to help prevent further transmission of the virus. Additional benefits of our secure system include:

Expert oversight: Our contact tracing system is managed by physicians, registered nurses, certified occupational health nurses, and medical technicians with vast infectious disease expertise, including COVID-19. This team is supported by our certified industrial hygienists, epidemiologist, and in-house data management team, which specializes in emergency response.

Comprehensive digital tracking: Through our proprietary online and mobile application platforms, entities can standardize and manage the interview, data collection, and follow-up process to swiftly identify patients’ contacts during their suspected infectious period. As needed, they can also scale the built-in workflows and questionnaires to include additional demographic data, symptoms, and treatment plans.

Real-time updates: Authorized users can receive real-time updates about the current status of their workplace, including individuals in isolation and those potentially exposed or in quarantine. These data reports can be manually or auto-generated at any time to address any questions or needs. All reporting features are part of CTEH’s secure and privacy-compliant platforms.

Want to learn more about how CTEH’s contact tracing system could benefit your workplace? Watch this video and contact us

Any scientific or medical information included in this article is current as of the date of publication; however, public health knowledge of COVID-19 is rapidly developing. Readers are advised to monitor national, state and local public health agencies for current recommendations regarding any infectious disease.