Did you know that poisoning is the leading cause of injury death in the U.S.?
The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) reports that more than 90% of poisonings take place in the home. Poisonings are especially common in kitchens, bedrooms or bathrooms, where children and adults are more likely to come in contact with prescription medicines, household cleaners and chemicals.
Since 1962, the U.S. has celebrated National Poison Prevention Week on the third week of March in an effort to remind Americans about the dangers of poisonings and encourage action to prevent them. This week, Inside CTEH is sharing a few do’s and don’ts from the HHS’ Poison Help center to help keep your family, friends and colleagues safe:
•DON’T mix household or chemical products together.
•DO be aware of potential drug interactions. Contact your doctor if you are taking more than one over-the-counter or prescription drug at a time.
•DON’T share prescription medicines.
•DO keep medicines in original containers with their labels. Always keep your medicines, chemicals, household cleaners and laundry products in locked cabinets and out of the reach of children.
•DON’T use food containers to store household cleaners or chemicals.
•DO have a working carbon monoxide detector in your home. HHS recommends installing it near your bedroom or close to furnaces.
Remember to always keep the poison control hotline, 800-222-1222, handy. If you think someone has been poisoned, please contact the hotline immediately. For more information, visit poisonhelp.hrsa.gov/faqs/.