About Allen

Allen Higginbotham has extensive experience in the HAZMAT Emergency Response Industry and personnel management. He specializes in industrial and hazardous material firefighting, emergency response, remediation, industrial services, training and response center management. His responsibilities include managing hazardous material emergencies, remediation, and industrial services. He possesses leadership and management skills to properly manage and utilize personnel’s capabilities, equipment deployment, and resource allocation while keeping safety paramount. He is skilled at maintaining constant communications with the customer, regulators, and on and off-site personnel to assure the successful mitigation of the incident.

Mr. Higginbotham has a strong working knowledge and implementation of ICS to properly manage the overall on and off-site management of emergency responses involving transportation, industry, pipeline and natural disasters. He maintains relationships with clients to assure quality services are provided and expectations are met to minimize the impact to personnel, communities and the environment. Allen evaluates customer’s needs and implements strategic training to include emergency planning and spill prevention while continually assessing the needs of the customer in emergency preparedness and actual emergency response management.

Mr. Higginbotham has responded to over 100 tank car emergencies including derailments, non-accidental releases, tank car inspections and repairs and damage assessments. Allen has also conducted numerous tank car safety and specialist training courses to fire departments and first responders from all over the nation. During his railroad responses, he has served in many capacities ranging from entry and assessment team, operations supervisor and manager, in the ICS structure as Operations Chief, Incident Commander, Safety Officer, and Planning Chief.

Past or Current Professional Affiliations

  • Registered Environmental Manager
  • AR-Hazardous Material Instructor
  • AR-Hazardous Material Specialist
  • TTCI- Tank Car Specialist
  • UPRR- Tank Car Safety
  • TSP- HAZMAT & Waste Compliance
  • AR- Emergency Medical Technician
  • AR- Firefighter III
  • TEMA- Radiological Response Member
  • Confined Space Rescue Instructor
  • e-RAILSAFE- On-track safety/ Roadway worker
  • Domestic Preparedness- WMD-Technician
  • NFA- HAZMAT Chemistry I, II, & III
  • NFA- Incident Command
  • NFA- Certified Safety Officer
  • AFA- Tank Farm Emergencies