About Helen

Ms. Dubach is the director of Director, Response Management & Environmental Response as well as a Senior Environmental Consultant and has over 20 years’ experience providing scientific support for oil and chemical spill responses and exercises, specifically relating to environmental assessment and decisions. Helen has attended and advised on numerous oil and chemical spills worldwide, providing scientific and technical advice on effective spill response.  In addition, Helen has evaluated on-board hazardous materials for vessel casualties. Her spill response experience includes the provision of on-site technical and scientific advice on effective response options to industry, responders, and government representatives.

As part of preparedness activities, she assists governments, industries, and international agencies with preparation and review of plans, technical manuals, and guides. Helen promotes effective spill response and preparedness through training, seminars, and workshops. She has participated in numerous drills and exercises for industry and government clients, from the local to multi-national level.

Past or Current Professional Affiliations

  • International Association of Emergency Managers: Certified Emergency Manager
  • Academy Board Certified Environmental Professionals: Certified Environmental Professional
  • National Registry of Environmental Professionals: Certified Environmental Scientist