About Michael

Dr. Michael Reilly serves as a toxicologist with CTEH. Some of his duties are supporting litigation through exposure and risk assessments, helping clients maintain regulatory compliance, developing sampling and analysis plans, and preparing summary reports following a project’s completion. Additionally, he serves on the Toxicology Emergency Response Program (TERP), providing 24/7/365 disaster support all across North America. His doctoral dissertation focused on how prenatal exposure to polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) may impact the developing brain. Prior to this, his undergraduate research investigated the neuroendocrine effects of early life exposure to arsenic in rats. The creative, critical, and analytical skills developed through 9 years of biomedical research have been useful to fulfilling his role at CTEH.

In the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic, Mr. Reilly has provided services including drafting infectious disease control plans, prepared and reviewed proactive/reactive disinfection protocols, reviewed employee health screening protocols, provided on-site consultation and review of COVID-19 related practices in essential workplaces, and more.


Registrations & Certifications

  • Certified Industrial Hygienist


    • Endocrine Society
    • Society for Neuroscience
    • American Association for the Advancement of Science
