
CTEH Publications

Go in depth with the latest research and academic publications from our experts, applying new scientific advances to their work on emerging issues in the field.

Correlation of Urine, Hair and Fingernail Arsenic Biomonitoring ResultsG

Author from CTEH: Glenn Millner, PhD

Use of EPA Risk Assessment Methods for Developing a Clean-up Goal for Arsenic in Soil: a Reality Check

Author from CTEH: Glenn Millner, PhD

Risk-based Cgllean-up Goal for Arsenic in Soil: A reality check

Author from CTEH: Glenn Millner, PhD

Review of Risk Assessment Methodologies and Their Use with TPH

Author from CTEH: Glenn Millner, PhD

Proposed Screening Level Water Quality Criterion for Diesel Fuel

Author from CTEH: Glenn Millner, PhD

Practical Guidance for Risk-Based Closure of Sites Impacted by Diesel Fuel and Other Petroleum Hydrocarbons

Author from CTEH: Glenn Millner, PhD

cute exposure to polychlorinated biphenyls can alter social behavior in adulthood: a novel approach in the study of rat sociality

Author from CTEH: Michael Reilly, PhD

The neuroendocrine disruption of adult social behavior via gestational exposure to endocrine-disrupting chemical

Author from CTEH: Michael Reilly, PhD

Does Early tactile Stimulation Attenuate Adverse Effects of Maternal Separation in Rats

Author from CTEH: Michael Reilly, PhD

Juvenile Exposure to Low-Dose Arsenic Results in Hyperactivity as Adults in Female Rats

Author from CTEH: Michael Reilly, PhD

Tactile Stimulation Relieves Abnormal Perseverative Behavior Caused by Maternal Separation during a Critical Developmental Period

Author from CTEH: Michael Reilly, PhD